The Triton Guidance Department recognizes that students grow and develop through a series of stages from childhood to adulthood. Although each child matures at his or her individual rate, the following outlines the general focus of our developmental program each year
Freshmen are becoming oriented to a new and different experience. The high school is larger, the curriculum more diverse, and the social and emotional issues facing students are different from earlier years. The counselors help the freshmen become acclimated to and involved in the total high school program. Beginning in grade nine and progressing throughout high school, the counselor gets to know the student in order to answer any questions and establish a feeling of mutual respect. The focus of grade nine counselor meetings is on advancing self knowledge, developing coping strategies for academic and social situations, understanding emotions, setting goals, initiating career awareness, and improving study skills.
During sophomore year the emphasis is on self-awareness and exploring options. The focus of counselor meetings is on identifying and locating career resources, developing tolerance and self respect, and learning ways to resolve conflicts peacefully. Equally important is the continuation of a relevant and positive academic program in preparation for future plans.
As the students become juniors, the emphasis is on helping students and their parents focus on post secondary planning. Counselors continue to work closely with students in assessing strengths, skills, and interests. Topics addressed include: exploring careers, college searches, continued high school planning, test preparation and enrichment opportunities. Students are encouraged to use the wealth of resources located in the links section of this website and the Naviance software
The focus during the senior year is on finalizing post high school plans. Counselors work with the students on issues of stress management, decision making, college essay writing, resume writing, the application process, and the transition to college/career. Students have the opportunity to shape and plan where they will be and what they will be doing for the next year. They must complete many task as these decisions are being made. They must attend to graduation requirements and to all the details and deadlines concerning post high school plans. A great deal of preparation and planning is required if truly good decisions are to be made. The counselors work closely with the students and parents to guide and support this process.